As the name implies, it captures (nearly) all clicks on the page. This data then is used to create a map on top of the page using canvas that shows the points the user clicks. The canvas is also transparent and does not can be clicked in Firefox 3.6 ( probably also in Webkit). The click simply goes through it.
This is what the clickmap looks like:
How to install/ use:
Include the source code into your project. To display the clickmap call jQuery.clickmap.draw() . Also, jQuery.clickmap.clicks is an array containing all the click data, so you can send that to your server and do further investigation there. You can even decide what should be captured. Look at the code for more infos.
Important Notice:
Clickmaps only includes clicks that bubble all the way up to document.
So if you have problems, issues or complaints comments or send me a mail. If you know how to find out, whether the browser supports pointer-events please tell me!
MfG Kambfhase
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